ANSG is a member of the following large research frameworks and collaborations:
Monitoring, Technology and Verification Consortium (MTV) – DOE/NNSA
Consortium for Nuclear Forensics (CNF) – DOE/NNSA
Interaction of Ionizing Radiation with Matter – University Research Alliance (IIRM-URA) – DOD/DTRA
Zetawatt-Equivalent Ultrashort pulse laser System (ZEUS) – NSF
Optical Parametric Amplifier Line (OPAL) – NSF

If interested, please contact Prof. Jovanovic ([email protected]) with your resume and a statement of your career goals.


Welcome to the Applied Nuclear Science Group at the University of Michigan! We are a multidisciplinary group of engineers (nuclear, electrical, mechanical) and scientists (physicists and chemists) who perform fundamental research in several areas of nuclear science and engineering. The two focus areas of our activities are:

  1. Nuclear Detection and Remote Sensing. We develop novel and advance existing technical solutions to help address a variety of current and emerging nuclear threats.
  2. Ultraintense Laser Science and Technology. We develop the technological and scientific foundation for the use of intense ultrafast lasers in science, industry, and security.

We are primarily an experimental group that takes advantage of a combination of outstanding facilities at the University of Michigan and at collaborating institutions, particularly national laboratories. We continuously recruit new postdocs, graduate, and undergraduate students who share our passion for research and are interested in pursuing a career in applied nuclear science.
